The MIENT Duo is a duo from the United States featuring Dr. Michael Averett on flugelhorn and trumpet with Dr. B.A. Ferguson on guitar. They began collaborating in 2017 after meeting while on faculty at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. The two have played throughout the US together, and they just released their first album on the Centaur Record label, …souls like birds. This was made available on all streaming platforms on June 9th.

Please, feel free to contact the duo at mientduo@gmail.com, Brent (Dr. B.A. Ferguson) at drbaferguson@gmail.com, or Michael at maverett@samford.com.

Album cover showing two musicians with a guitar and a flugelhorn, text reads ...souls like birds, MIENT Duo, Michael Averett, trumpet/flugelhorn, Brent Ferguson, guitar, Centaur label
Song list with band and players name with recording information and barcode, Centaur label